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Terje Vigen

A theatrical version of Flagstads favorite poem, Henrik Ibsens “Terje Vigen”. «I have read the poem again and again, and it affects me now as it always has done, tears streaming down, – the beauty of it is unbelievable… I hope it will reach very many… and go into their hearts, as it lives in mine.»

It is also perhaps Norway's most famous poem and most can recite one or a few lines from it. When we choose to make the poem into a scenic version, it is because we want to give the poem its own interpretation that is rooted in personal experiences of being humiliated, ruined, wanting revenge, getting over their revenge and finding oneself.

Harald Vallgårda, director
Odd Grundt, actor
Markus Kvits, piano
Plamena Dicheva, costumes and props

Performed in norwegian

To see the concert

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2